Two ordinary mates,
One extraordinary drink

This is the story of our pursuit of happiness... a brand that represented our sacred expressions in the form of liquid gold.

We loved exploring beers and enjoying a froth as much as the next, but the follow up bloating & hangovers were impeding us from getting shit done. We needed a bevy to help, not hinder our pursuits.

The Discovery

One hallowed night our ears perked to the soft whisperings of a mythic concoction, ‘Hard Seltzer’ (That soft voice being a local Brisbane brewing legend).

He enlightened us, between our requests for him to stop whispering, of a beverage brewed without all the carbs, all the sugar and all those calories we refuse to track.

It sounded too good to be true, we thought we misheard our unnecessarily whispering sage, it sounded like the holy grail of booze!

And so our journey began far and wide, searching for a Hard Seltzer that didn’t skimp on the taste but alas it could not be found (No offence). That’s when we knew it was time to get our hands dirty…

the Process

We got to work straight away setting up our "extremely professional brew lab" in a small warehouse in Newstead. Brewing was completely foreign to us, and trial and error was the name of the game at the start, but we had the internet as our mentor and a couple of tricks up our sleeve.

After 8 months of testing different recipes we sat down to sample batch No 14... as we both sipped in silence we turned to each other and sang in unison "we f*cking did it!".

The Brewery

When it came time to get our shit together, we did just that, but building a brewery is bloody expensive, so we scraped together a little cash, some high spirits and got creative.

We rented a mates warehouse in Morningside and imported two brand new 1200 Litre fermenters, built a brewing kettle out of an old milk vat, knicked a brite tank from another Brissy brewery, and made our own can-filling machine.

The People

We're all about people and our end goal is to share our sacred expression in the form of Hohly Water with as many new mates across Australia as we can.

If you've got this far we want to invite you along for the ride, welcome to the family and here's to guilt-free good times! Travis & JP, Founders of Hohly Water.

NutritionAl Info

Nothing to see here because there's:









Per Can


Good Times




Art Director

Cora Collins

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean in nulla quis dui ornare faucibus. Pellentesque non ipsum dignissim, ullamcorper tortor a, vehicula ante. Quisque in eros eget odio imperdiet luctus id tristique velit. Praesent blandit nulla a arcu hendrerit, quis dignissim magna ornare. Vestibulum accumsan faucibus ultrices. Donec euismod libero nec quam rutrum vulputate. Duis dignissim tristique neque, quis vestibulum justo pellentesque sed. Maecenas ultricies turpis justo, ut cursus nunc aliquam scelerisque. Cras rutrum nisl turpis, eu facilisis nunc congue nec. Sed placerat diam id mollis consectetur.

Mauris interdum.

Mauris interdum, neque non finibus bibendum, turpis sapien luctus nunc, id bibendum metus orci id ipsum. Aliquam id felis diam. Nam lorem dolor, congue et turpis at, tristique pharetra ligula.




Web Development

Helias Olis

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean in nulla quis dui ornare faucibus. Pellentesque non ipsum dignissim, ullamcorper tortor a, vehicula ante. Quisque in eros eget odio imperdiet luctus id tristique velit. Praesent blandit nulla a arcu hendrerit, quis dignissim magna ornare. Vestibulum accumsan faucibus ultrices. Donec euismod libero nec quam rutrum vulputate. Duis dignissim tristique neque, quis vestibulum justo pellentesque sed. Maecenas ultricies turpis justo, ut cursus nunc aliquam scelerisque. Cras rutrum nisl turpis, eu facilisis nunc congue nec. Sed placerat diam id mollis consectetur.

Mauris interdum.

Mauris interdum, neque non finibus bibendum, turpis sapien luctus nunc, id bibendum metus orci id ipsum. Aliquam id felis diam. Nam lorem dolor, congue et turpis at, tristique pharetra ligula.

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